Monday, December 17, 2012


This blog is about an old game that has become a favorite of me, and while many people thinks this game is bad, yes of course it's bad but only the online version that's bad.
The single player part is fun actually, and i use the 1.2 single player patch with Revival SP modification.
This game is just like diablo, you kill monsters you get xp and monsters drops random loot and "loot" means items you can take from monsters you kill.
In this game there are various guns, swords, focus items, skills, spells that you can use to blast zombies, monsters, beasts, spectrals back into hell.
And whats amazing is the guns actually, each guns has unique animation, attack type, projectiles and not just different numbers mind you.
The game settings is at year 2038 post-apocalypse, and there is a hellgate at london which is the source of all demons in london, and yes the game is set at london.
And there is 3 classes and with each class has 2 subclasses which means you can choose 6 different classes with each class has unique skills and gears they can use.
And this blog is about how i play the game, so i record my gameplays and post it in my blog, and every gameplay video in my blog is originally from me, my own gameplay.
So enjoy the blog..

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